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Rebalance your energy flow with acupressure

Acupressure is a type of medicine that is based on Eastern traditional medicine and consists of pressure - the pressure of the finger on the so-called. accu-points.
It is based on the belief that diseases are caused by the interruption of the balanced flow of energy through the body. The goal is to re-establish the flow and balance of energy flow. This balance is considered the basis of health, not only physical but also psycho-emotional.
There are fourteen main energy flows or meridians in our body that are connected to various organs and psycho-emotional expressions. Each meridian is connected to an organ or function that is related to its flow of energy. There are many acupressure or acupuncture points on each meridian, and by connecting these points we get meridians. These are the points of entry and exit of energy.
Manual stimulation of these points releases blocked energy and establishes the balance that the body needs. By stimulating them with massage, we restore inner balance and alleviate ailments. Acupressure uses the same points as acupuncture. In this technique, the points are treated with the pressure of a finger or a hand, while in acupuncture, the points are stimulated by sticking needles.

When acupressure is recommended and how it helps

In addition to relieving pain, acupressure is extremely helpful in restoring the body’s balance, removing tension and stress that prevents it from functioning normally, and has a positive effect on immunity. It is used for various ailments, such as stress, headaches, pain throughout the body, allergies, menstrual pain, fatigue, insomnia, digestive disorders, nausea and shortens the recovery time from illness.

What are the risks of acupressure

Some people feel the effect of acupressure after one or two treatments. Some people need a little more for their body to react and to feel positive changes in their mental, physical, and emotional state. The risks of acupressure are minimal, provided that all precautionary measures are respected and that a trained, professional person performs it.

There are certain points that should not be pressed during pregnancy, such as open wounds, varicose veins, tumors, inflamed or infected skin, places of recent surgery, or areas where a bone fracture is suspected.
Acupressure can speed up healing, but for all serious conditions and problems, you should still consult a doctor.

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