In addition to relieving pain, acupressure is extremely helpful in restoring the body’s balance, removing tension and stress that prevents it from functioning normally, and has a positive effect on immunity. It is used for various ailments, such as stress, headaches, pain throughout the body, allergies, menstrual pain, fatigue, insomnia, digestive disorders, nausea and shortens the recovery time from illness.
Some people feel the effect of acupressure after one or two treatments. Some people need a little more for their body to react and to feel positive changes in their mental, physical, and emotional state. The risks of acupressure are minimal, provided that all precautionary measures are respected and that a trained, professional person performs it.
There are certain points that should not be pressed during pregnancy, such as open wounds, varicose veins, tumors, inflamed or infected skin, places of recent surgery, or areas where a bone fracture is suspected.
Acupressure can speed up healing, but for all serious conditions and problems, you should still consult a doctor.