
Prenatal massage

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Safe relief from pain and relaxation with massage during pregnancy while lying on your stomach

Prenatal massage is one of the best ways to make the period of pregnancy easier and richer for every future mother.
Every pregnant woman experiences pregnancy differently and copes with all challenges differently during the nine months. Massage can be an ideal choice, both for relaxation and for removing all tensions and pains of the skeletal-muscular system. What is especially pleasant for every pregnant woman when she comes for a massage with us, is that she can enjoy lying on her stomach again, on a special Cozy Bump mattress, designed so that every belly, of any size, feels comfortable.

When massage is allowed during pregnancy and whether it is safe

Massage can be applied after three months of pregnancy and the treatment can be created for the needs of each pregnant woman individually. Thus, our offer includes partial massage or full body massage and the treatment can be chosen for half an hour, 45 minutes, or an hour.
Prenatal massage is not a luxury, but a dedication to yourself, and thus to your baby. Massage during pregnancy is an ideal way to maintain good health and spirit, and at the same time, it can contribute to making childbirth easier and painless.
Massage for pregnant women is completely safe for all healthy pregnancies, those that are not at risk.

What are the benefits of massage for pregnant women

There are many positive effects of massage for pregnant women, and some of them are:

  • Reducing swelling and pain in the extremities
  • Reducing the possibility of varicose veins, stretch marks, and extra cellulite
  • Improving circulation and lymphatic system
  • Improves sleep – reduces physical and mental fatigue
  • Reduce or completely eliminate leg cramps
  • Preparing the body for childbirth – the effect of softening the pelvic attachments, or tendons in the pelvis, which helps flexibility and thus facilitates childbirth itself, especially in late pregnancy
  • Reducing tension, stress and anxiety.
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