Relax ‌massage‌

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Achieve complete relaxation of body and mind with a relax massage

Relax ‌massage‌ ‌is ‌a type‌ ‌of massage‌ ‌which‌ ‌for‌ ‌the goal‌ ‌has‌ ‌maximum‌ ‌body relaxation.‌ ‌It is performed in a combination with a suitable ambient - quiet, pleasant music, adequate space.
A full body massage or partial, for example, legs, feet, back, arms, abdomen, chest, neck, and face massage could be done. Movements are slow, gentle, moderate to mild pressure, so they can completely relax the one who is being massaged.
We would advise you to avoid abundant meals or alcohol before the treatment. It is also a good idea to drink enough water that will help your body and get rid of toxins. Communication with the therapist is extremely important and the effectiveness of the massage itself may depend on it.

What ‌are the benefits of ‌relax‌ ‌massage

The effects of this treatment can take several days after treatment. It is known that stress is the largest enemy of the whole health of the person. Relax massage is also recommended for the prevention of diseases that can be caused by stress and nervous tension.

We improve the “peripheral” circulation, the “tone” and the appearance of the skin, we reduce the “tension” of the muscles. During this treatment, we use special mineral oils, which calm the nervous system, and significantly reduce tension and stress.

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